One week goes..
here are some activities for this week
first of all, ( 22.07.2010)
it's thursday again
---> books exhibitionwe have books exhibition,
i thought there are cheaper reference book
but i am wrong
the price are exactly the same with the price at bookstore
so, there's nothing suitable for me
and i just bought a magazine
it's something bout astronomy
well, as i am the member of astronomy club...
support astronomy till the end of my life :)
---> spelling beei joined the contest last minute
quite easy lo
not like S.I.R
( i lose the contest TT )

---> inter-class debate5S1 team member:
Charlene ( best debater)
Choo ting
and Gab
the result...........

Gab and Charlene
---> pertandingan lagu puisi

the contestant's photo are still unavailable
still waiting for the photos
***** 24.07.2010*****HAri Permuafakatan and Hari Koperasi nothing's bad happen
teacher's comment ok

After that, went to riverside. there are some exhibition too.
.: Promosi Kraf Malaysia 2010 :.

Dewan Undangan Negari ( DUN)

Next destination:
Sunday Market


*this is the first time i write in english, dont laugh at me if there are grammar mistake
*hope i could have a new dc ( no more benQ, i wan Sony Cyber-Shot) or DSLR ( canon, but some said nikon is better ), so that could have high quality photos..